The International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP) was founded in 1976 in order to promote research in mathematical physics. The Association invites mathematicians and physicists (including students) interested in this goal to become members.
The Association's main meeting is a Congress every three years. The Association communicates with its members and a wider public through this website, as well as through the News Bulletin published four times a year. The bulletin brings news about the Association activities as well as other information of interest to people working in mathematical physics, in particular, announcements of conferences, positions in mathematical physics, and a lot more.
Membership supports the activities of the Association. One special advantage of membership is substantial discounts on personal subscriptions to several journals and on certain books offered by major publishers.
Applications for ordinary membership may be made on the web. Dues are quite modest and it only takes a few clicks to pay them, in the first year of membership dues are not charged. People from economically weak countries may apply for reduced dues status.
Associate membership in the Association is available to certain organizations including other societies and publishers. Associate members may contact individual members through the Association to advertise their activities and offers. For further information concerning Associate membership please contact the President (e-mail).