IUPAP Young Scientist Prize

The Young Scientist Prizes of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics were established in 2007. The recipients of the awards in a given year should have a maximum of 8 years of research experience following their PhD, and should have performed original work of outstanding scientific quality.

The IUPAP Commission C18 for Mathematical Physics awarded its Young Scientist Prizes for the first time in 2009.


2021 Stefanos Aretakis For his influential contributions to the understanding of the dynamics and instability mechanisms of black holes as well as conservation laws in general relativity, with a recognised potential for experimental applications. Website
Chiara Saffirio For her important contributions towards the mathematical understanding of the dynamics of classical and quantum many-body systems, leading to rigorous derivations of effective evolution equations. Website
Vincent Tassion For his key contributions to the understanding of the stochastic properties of representations of classical lattice spin models via probabilistic methods, and his analysis of the sharp phase transition of the Potts model. Website
2018 Wei-Kuo Chen For fundamental mathematical results about spin glasses, including the proof that the Parisi formula has a unique minimizer and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model exhibits full-step replica symmetry breaking. Website
Vadim Gorin For his groundbreaking work on the universality of local correlations in random tilings and nonintersecting random walks, and the discovery of locally interacting particle systems linked to random matrix ensembles. Website
Phan Thanh Nam For seminal contributions to the mathematical theory of many-body quantum systems, in particular the proof of the ionization conjecture in Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsäcker theory and the justification of the Bogoliubov approximation for a class of interacting Bose systems. Website
2015 Roland Bauerschmidt For his work on self-avoiding random walks in 4 dimensions and the development of supersymmetric renormalization group techniques for their study. Website
Joseph Ben Geloun For his pioneering work on the renormalization of tensor field theories and his discovery of their generic asymptotic freedom. Website
Nicolas Rougerie For his exceptional contributions to the theory of cold quantum gases, in particular, his proof of the appearance of a giant vortex and vortex rings, as observed in experiments. Website
2012 Ivan Corwin Outstanding contributions to the probabilistic analysis of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation modelling stochastic growth processes Website
Alessandro Giuliani Outstanding contributions to the analysis of equilibrium properties of classical spin and quantum many-body systems, in particular the Hubbard model Website
Wojciech de Roeck Outstanding contributions in proving diffusion for a quantum particle coupled to a thermal Bose field Website
2009 Rupert L. Frank for outstanding results in analysis with application to quantum systems including solutions to some longstanding problems Website
Benjamin Schlein for outstanding results in mathematical analysis of many-body quantum systems, in particular, Bose gases Website
Simone Warzel for outstanding results in analysis of problems motivated by condensed matter physics, in particular, spectral and dynamical properties of random Schrödinger operators Website

More information on award winners can be found at http://iupap.org/commissions/c18-mathematical-physics/news/

Prize committees

2021 J. de Gier, R. Gopakumar, A. Joye, B. Nachtergaele (chair), G. Sierra
2018 R. Gopakumar, M. Hiroshima, B. Nachtergaele, O. Rossi, M. Salmhofer (chair)
2015 A. Kupiainen (chair), E. Carlen, R. Gopakumar, R. Renner
2012 D. Brydges, A.B. Cruzeiro, A. Kupiainen, H. Spohn (chair), J. Yngvason
2009 Peter Bouwknegt, Ana Bela Cruzeiro, Pavel Exner (chair), Antti Kupiainen, Michael Loss
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